mirror, mirror...

on the wall...

who's the fairest, ...

... prettiest , ...

...and most amazing ...

of them all?



Creatures made from the hands of a god, Azar, with striking features and mellifluous voices, they rival Aphrodite. Once inanimate before being made alive, they are made from the purest of golds and are loved by every pantheon for their charm and beauty. FIORE is the head of these creatures, known as The Highest Seraphim. She takes the form of an angel with the purest white wings and softest feathers which are able to turn into glowing gold with knife-sharp tips. Fiore has the capability to forge her wings into any size or shape fit and yet, she still has a true awakened form yet to be seen. She is the only Seraphim Celedon recorded in the history of gods and angels, having more powers acquired than that of the usual species.In the mortal realm, she is referred to as The Golden Charmer, able to deceive anyone when she puts them under her charmβ€” unescapable that even the gods cannot cancel her power with the exception of her Creator. She puts them in an aphrodisiac trance, wrapping them around her finger. She was trained to kill and seduce since the day of her creation, pledging her heart, body and soul to her Creator and Father with full faithfulness. Disobedience towards the Celedon’s Creator results to a fallen.

Because of her training, she has the knowledge of every gun and is highly skilled to use all of them. Aside from killing, she also protects those she deems should be protected, taking them under her wing.On her 100th birthday, the Creator gifted her a chance of freedom, giving her permission to roam the lands of the earth. At this age, she travelled everywhere she could, luring and studying men; training herself to become a killing machine her Creator could never dispose. She needed to be the best in order to become irreplaceable.

All Celedons are women. There is no such thing as a male Celedon. That is, until Fiore turned her back against her Master, realizing she did not want to be used by another being, especially if it was her own Father. She was made to command, not to be commanded. The twisted ideals of her Master was something she did not approve ofβ€” throwing her to the hands of the other gods in order to be used. She is not a mere slave for these gods. Once she had made this vocal to the Creator, she had taken his eternal flame from his scepter, using it to mold her golden self into a man's physique. taking away her breasts and long, luscious locks before being made to walk as a man. She swallowed this eternal flame, not knowing she had gained the ability to mold herself into both her feminine and masculine forms at willγƒΌγ€€but not having known of this for quite a while. She became the first casted off and male Celedon. After a year of being on the run, Azar managed to capture her and given her a deal she could not refuse. Fiore was to roam and be given freedom, still attaining the title of the Head of Celedons, if she were to become a god by the Master’s side. This meant that she were to protect him and to seat on the right hand of his throne. He had promised that she shall not be ordered if not for merely the sake of his protection and nothing else.

Fiore is a power hungry creature. To be bowed down upon and worshipped was an offer she could not refuse, and so she agreed. Despite being tied down to her Master, she still had enough freedom, and that was all she cared about. She did not change back from her male form, however, for after a year of becoming a man, she had grown an attachment towards it. It brought her a sense of significance and uniqueness for having been able to be the only male Celedon on earth.He has a sassy, prideful and sarcastic character; with walls built high up. He is rather dramatic and harsh despite soft spoken, and as egotistic as he is powerful. His powers cannot be swayed, and is able to put anyone and anything under his spellβ€” especially when he sings. He identifies as a non-binary who is comfortable with any pronoun. He likes stargazing, picnics, flying, singing, jewelry making, hunting, and wine bottle collecting. Though he lives outside cities and far away from villages, he can sometimes be found in clothing shops and jewelry stores. Fiore has his own temples where he is worshipped and prayed to; his Creator having to seal the deal. He blesses mortals with beauty for their children or luck in seduction.Because he is a Celedon, his traits are being charming, beautiful and enchanting. Though he craves for blood, he is a naturally social being who is elegant and reserved yet, he has quite the dislike of getting teased, mocked and underestimated. He is also smart when in battles, but is a sadist who loves the picturesque image of suffering. He is cunning, sly, and deceitful with a sharp tongue as much as he is sweetβ€” he always has a reason behind his actions that he will dare not say. Other than being brutal and egotistic, there is a reason why he is well respected. He knows what misery is and can be the exact personification of it.


Defunct Physiology

User lacks any physical weaknesses of an organic, living body including the need for rest, sustenance or other physical requirements. They do not feel pain and cannot be poisoned or get ill.Usually, the users are formed from inorganic matter (such as stone, metal or etc.) or animated flesh, bone, wood or other formerly living matter.

Aerial Adaption

User is able to survive and adapt to extremely high or low air pressure (not becoming disoriented or deprived of the normal breathing capacity), and high wind friction; this is accompanied by an innate immunity to vertigo and/or fear of heights.

Dermal Armor

The users have or can generate an innate armor as a part of their body, which is resistant to attacks,
harm or pain, and temperature extremes. In fΓ­ore's case, is gold.

Natural Weaponry

The power to utilize weapons that are a natural part of one's own body.

Enhanced Condition

User's physical and mental abilities are above the peak human levels of other beings in their universe. This entails that they are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to beings at peak human level.

Gold Mimicry

User is made up of or can transform their body completely into gold. users' transformed form is anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of gold, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately the user can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.As a metal gold is malleable, ductile, resistant to corrosion and most other chemical reactions, and conductive of electricity, all of which the user gains.


Users of this ability never age, and as a result, they stay young forever or at least never suffer the ravages of aging. Because of this, the user will always be at their physical prime.

Hypnotic Melody

The user is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer.

Death Song

The user can cause death by emitting sound, user can induce death only using voice or during dialogue others use musical instruments.

Absolute Beauty

The user possesses the rarest type of beauty there is (pure infinite beauty), which is even higher up than supernatural beauty. No one, no matter how different their beauty standards may seem, cannot deny this person's beauty as truly unfathomable as this person possesses infinite beauty. Because of this, the user can use people to get what they so desire.Some people with this ability may even have magical
abilities as a result of their beauty. Since this is the absolute form of any kind of beauty, the user possesses some if not all abilities/powers based on beauty, allowing them to gain a higher advantage.

Wing Manifestation

User has or is able to manifest wings that grow or are attached to the body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks or detach and re-grow for quick getaways.


The user can transform matter and objects, including living beings, into gold.

Enhanced Vision

The user possesses great wisdom: a deep understanding and realization of concepts, common sense, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments, and actions while keeping these understandings. It often requires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions") so that universal principles, reasons, and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions.

Flawless Clairvoyance

The power to gain direct visual information through non-physical means.


The user can morph into superior, more powerful versions of oneself. At times, the appearance of such forms is merely cosmetic, while in others, the user's body is completely altered.

Enhanced Agility

User with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.

Enhanced Charisma

The user possesses the highest level of charm they can obtain in existence. They are able to sway any sentient being to completely agree with them on a biased argument or to join their cause. Natural or supernatural, conceptual or metaphysical, anything with a sentient mind is vulnerable to the user's immense charm.

Musical Instrument Manipulation

User can create, summon, manipulate and use any/all of musical instruments with perfect skill and use as weapons.

Angel Mode

The user is able to enter a state which allows angel-like abilities, skills and traits with angelic capabilities and powers that transcend all of the users basic limits whether physical, spiritual, mental and so on.